Girl Crushes!

I just finished up a half page illustration for Chun Kim over at Girl's Life Magazine. It was for a cute article all about girl-crushes. (Girl crushes are sort of like bromance, except its all about being totally into another girl for her killer style/personality/ whatever) I sent over a couple different sketches trying to focus on the one girl really standing out among a crowd, or trying to convey the sense of attachment from the other girl. The locker sketch was just another one I did, trying to think of a different direction to take the image in, but ended up not sending it because I didn't think that it really conveyed anything about the article.
The only art direction after the sketch was picked was to make the girl behind the locker a little more feminine. I changed her wardrobe and added a few accessories, and voila! I like the way the final came out, and it felt good to have a decent amount of time to spend on an illustration, rather than some of the quick turnaround jobs I've been getting.

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